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Blog #45

Weatherized Doors and Windows

Weatherized Doors and Windows

Weatherized Doors and Windows


The bitter winter cold seems to be breaking with signs of a coming spring. This winter has particularly seen quite a bit of snow with icy cold temperatures outside. If your home was not optimally insulated and you wish to be best prepared for next year’s potential cold or even for the remainder of this winter, here are some tips for how to best weatherize your home’s doors and windows.

First and perhaps the easiest and most common thing you can do is to lock your windows. This will tighten the air seals around windows and stop any excess air leaks. Another option is to simply apply some weather stripping around doors and windows. If the current ones you have are old and deteriorating, make sure to replace them with new ones that can effectively plug air leaks.

A second method of weatherizing windows is to layer window coverings such as blinds, drapes and curtains. For added protection, you can even consider plastic film coverings. These layers can vary in efficacy separately but works wonders when used with one another, so don’t be afraid to layer up.

A third and one of the most effective ways to fill in air draft holes is by caulking around window casings. The clay-like substance makes it convenient to manipulate to fit into tiny gaps. It doesn’t shrink or gather dust and dirt, so rest assured when applying them. Caulking seamlessly without leaving unsightly residue on windows can be quite tricky for DIY beginners, but nonetheless, it’s a popular and inexpensive way to weatherize windows. Another benefit of caulking is that it’s easy to remove. If you mess up or just want to get rid of them to reopen windows, peel them right off. Unlike spray foam, which is also used often to seal cracks and insulate the indoors, you can paint over caulking if you wish to make them blend in with the rest of the window frame.

It’s important to examine all windows and doors in the home, especially those in the attic and basement where people usually forget, when searching for possible air gaps. These simple and basic steps to weatherize doors and windows in your home will go a long way in keeping you warm in the winter, and ensuring that the home’s heating system is not wasting energy. #weatherize #weatherizedoorsandwindows #window #door #WindowInstallation #DoorInstallation #Hardware #Maryland #MD

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